Earth Day, which takes place this year on Saturday, April 22, provides a perfect occasion for advisors to reach out to their environmentally conscious clients. Let them know about the opportunities people have to make an impact on climate change and other environmental issues through their investments. If you’re not already promoting ESG and sustainable investing to clients and prospects, here are some tips on how to get started.

Take the Mystery out of the Initials

ESG investing is not well understood, and it has recently become controversial. Use all the education tools at your disposal – blogs, newsletters, social media posts, publication columns, podcasts videos, and seminars – to let clients know you can help them navigate a landscape that may seem initially confusing. Start by letting them know how much ESG encompasses. Explain how they can invest in companies that are helping to address environmental issues like carbon emissions, pollution, water usage, deforestation, and the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Teach them that they can also focus on companies that actively address important social issues like human rights, fair labor practices and worker safety, and diverse workforces that provide opportunities for everyone. Demystify what governance means by letting them know they can support companies with diverse leadership and practices that prioritize ethical and transparent management. Broaden their understanding that sustainable investing goes far beyond companies that have received high ESG scores. Let them know how many companies are striving to keep their long-term business plans aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Teach clients what those 17 goals are and provide examples of companies that are making a difference with many of the SDGs, like good health and well-being, affordable and clean energy, and sustainable cities and communities. Let clients know that with thematic and impact funds they can also focus their attention on specific issues, like education or gender equality, that are of greatest importance to them.

Anticipate Concerns about the Performance Impact

An environmental and social conscience does not have to impair investment returns. There is evidence that companies with good ESG practices have better financial results. Even beyond citing any studies, reinforce the benefits companies gain when they have good stewardship. Firms that are mindful of the impact their operations have on the environment, their workforces and their communities usually do better over the long-term and don’t have to deal with the negative consequences that bad practices in any of these important areas bring.

Offer Non-Investment Tips, Too

Your messages about how people can positively influence the environment with their investments might get more notice if you include tips on other behaviors they can adopt that will help the planet. A social media post, e-mail or blog could suggest other simple lifestyle changes that could help, like selling and purchasing some clothes at consignment shops to help reduce the environmental impact of clothing manufacturing, asking all your financial institutions to switch to e-delivery of statements, reducing energy consumption around the home, or minimizing reliance on single-use plastic containers. Embedding education about sustainable investing with these tips will attract more readers and demonstrate that your commitment to environmental issues extends beyond the products you recommend.

Reach Out to NextGen Investors

If the Silent Generation, Baby Boomers and Gen Xers represent the bulk of your client base, it is time to start reaching out to younger generations. Multiple surveys demonstrate that environmental and social issues are a top priority for Millennials and Gen X-ers, and they are more willing than their older counterparts to use their investments to try to make a difference for the environment and broad social needs. When you reach out to clients, you’ll also be more credible if you can show what you do in support of these issues. Don’t hesitate to mention whatever you’re doing, like operating in an energy efficient building or using recycled materials at your firm. That will show you don’t just talk the talk but walk it as well. With younger generations, you can also increase engagement with your messages by making it interactive as often as you can. So, post quizzes on these topics on your website or social media posts or offer in-person seminars or online conferences where they have an opportunity to participate in conversations and ask questions. Younger generations also famously want experiences. So, if you plan to participate in any community activities, whether it be organizing a street or playground cleanup or operating a booth at an Earth Day fair, be sure to promote your involvement through e-mails and social media posts and invite clients and prospects to join you.

A Year-Round Effort

Earth Day comes just once per year, but focusing on these issues year-round can make a big difference for your practice. Increasing your ability to offer and promote ESG and sustainable products, while providing useful education on all these topics, will enable you to connect with clients and prospects who want to direct their savings and investments to help make the world a better place and protect the needs of future generations.

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