• Top firms pay ghSmart, a talent advisory company, millions a year for its advice.
  • Its founder, Geoff Smart, broke down the biggest hiring missteps he sees and how to avoid them.
  • His tips include avoiding hypothetical questions and spending 20% of calendar time on talent.

Most managers suck at hiring.

That’s what Geoff Smart, the founder of a talent advisory firm serving some of Wall Street’s most influential firms, has observed.

“Hiring is so bad everywhere in the world,” Smart told Insider. Just 14% of hiring managers are “good at hiring — they prioritize it, they allocate the time and money to it, they follow the methods that work best, and they are satisfied with their hiring decisions well above 50% of the time,” said Smart, referring to research published in his book “Power Score,” which analyzed the recruiting habits of 15,000 managers.

Smart should know. He has become a talent whisperer to some of the financial industry’s most prominent money mavens through his company, ghSmart, which helps firms like Citadel and Blackstone make key hiring decisions and develop internal leadership skills. Ken Griffin has a quoted endorsement on ghSmart’s website, for example, though Smart declined to comment on individual clients. 

About 40% of Smart’s clients are in the financial services industry, which is keenly aware of the importance of attracting and maintaining talent. Competition for even the most junior roles on Wall Street can be cutthroat, from investment banking internships that are more exclusive than Harvard to the Hunger Games-esque nature of recruiting private-equity associates.

But not all financial services companies are getting it right, Smart said. And the impact of getting it wrong can also be costly.

“Due to the high-stakes decisions that are being made every day in trading roles, or investment management roles, or senior-banking roles, the cost of a hiring mistake is particularly high,” Smart said.

Smart detailed the biggest hiring mistakes he sees financial companies make in an interview with Insider, including asking the wrong types of interview questions, dedicating too little time to talent, and avoiding positive culture development. While he directed his advice to financial services companies, his tips are broad-based and could be used by hiring managers in many different industries. He also shared how firms can avoid those missteps.

Spend more time on talent and less on rainmaking.

Smart said most leaders recognize the importance of hiring and talent decisions but aren’t dedicating enough time to it. Top managers and executives often make the mistake of thinking they’re “too busy” to do the work of good hiring. 

“Less successful leaders think they need to be the ones communicating with the outside world, that they need to be the big rainmakers and the big shots making all the decisions in an organization,” Smart said. “The more successful ones follow Warren Buffett’s advice, which is ‘hire well, manage little.'”

He said that leaders need to shift their mindset to view their jobs as putting the best talent in the right roles and supporting those people. 

“Having worked with lots of successful — and some unsuccessful — leaders in financial services, the unsuccessful ones are like, ‘Oh, I love deal sourcing so much,’ or ‘I love trading so much, that’s where I put all my energy.'” said Smart. “That’s charming, but guess what? You’re not a trader anymore. You’re not a VP on a deal team. You’re the CEO, you’re a senior exec, you’re a C-suite. So therefore you have to shift your allocation of time on hiring and developing your talent.”

His rule is that leaders should commit about a fifth of their work time to growing or attracting talent. 

“Five percent of your time as a senior leader in financial services is not enough,” he said. “Twenty percent is the right number, in our humble observation.”

That doesn’t necessarily mean spending eight hours a week doing coffee chats. Smart suggests hiring managers spend some of that time recruiting outside the company and the rest on developing internal people for promotions.

Asking hypothetical questions is a huge pitfall. 

Many senior executives in financial services like to ask candidates hypothetical questions during interviews — probing them about what they might do in a particular situation. 

Smart’s advice: Don’t.

“If you ask people hypothetical questions during an interview, they give you hypothetical answers. You can’t hang your hat on them. They’re not predictive of their future behavior,” Smart said.

A candidate could say anything to make themself sound like the ideal hire, but it’s difficult to tell if what they say represents their true self or working style. 

“Interviews get a bad rap sometimes because people say, ‘Oh, everyone could just BS interviews. Well, right. They BS interviews that are BS-able,” he added.

Instead, ask them what they have done. ghSmart endorses straightforward interview questions that elicit concrete details about a candidate’s work style and behavior patterns. Some of their tried and true recommendations include:

  1. What were you hired to do?
  2. What did you accomplish?
  3. What were your low points and/or mistakes?
  4. Who did you work with? What would each say were your biggest strengths back then and your biggest areas for improvement?
  5. Why did you leave?

But the key is in the follow-ups between these questions — there could be 20 for any given story a candidate tells, and going into such detail makes it easy to sniff out if someone is embellishing or tip-toeing. 

“It’s hard for them to meander from the truth too much because we don’t let them just tell us canned answers. We’re constantly asking follow-up questions,” Smart said.

It’s one reason ghSmart takes 5 hours or more on its interviews, which generate about 600 data points on each candidate, Smart said. 

“It’s almost like a forensic accounting level of substance to understand the facts about what someone has done in their career and allow you to make judgments about what they’re likely to do in the future,” said Smart.

He said that while “people do grow and change,” they “don’t change and grow to such an extent that you’re going to be stunned about how they perform if you really do understand how they’ve performed throughout their career to date.”

People over-rely on name brands, shared interests, and gut feelings.

Smart said don’t be wooed solely by a brand name on a resume because it doesn’t indicate how well a person performed.

Financial companies tend to “over-prioritize pedigree over actual performance,” whether through a fancy alma mater or previous blue-chip employer, and sometimes “get too comfortable hiring narrow pools of talent that have worked well in the past,” said Smart. 

Sharing common interests with a candidate shouldn’t swoon you, either. Although it’s great to meet a talented person you could also grab a beer with after work, it shouldn’t carry weight in the hiring decision from the interviewer’s perspective.

“Any of your personal hobbies and interests, I mean, my God, keep them locked up in a suitcase and off to the side when you’re interviewing people for jobs,” Smart said.

“‘Did you play ice hockey in college?’ is an actual interview question I heard a third-tier trading house ask candidates,” said Smart.

That leads to another point that goes against some hiring advice out there, Smart said — don’t use your “gut feeling.”

“They think their ‘fast-twitch’ intuition is sufficient data to base a hiring decision,” Smart said about financial-service companies, “versus doing the hard work to collect sufficient data to examine patterns of behavior people demonstrate across their career.”

He said companies must talk to at least five to seven references before hiring someone. 

“That can help validate and put a magnitude on how big of a deal a certain strength or weakness actually is,” he said.

Companies should check with a candidate’s former bosses and, Smart added, with a person’s colleagues and subordinates, too.

Focus on having a great culture; top talent will follow. 

Smart said that to nab the best talent (and therefore be a more profitable company), an organization must first cultivate a great company culture. 

“You can’t hire well into a toxic culture,” said Smart. “Fix your Glassdoor rating and then you can have a hope of attracting top talent.”

Searching and selection techniques aren’t always the main problem. 

“It’s not always that they’re not following the best hiring practices, it’s oftentimes that they don’t have a culture that the best talent wants to join.”

And then, by nature, “that talent will take care of making great investment decisions, creating new products and services, creating great profits, and growing equity value.” Some firms are too willing to sacrifice culture if a candidate can get them results, which is “like making a deal with the devil,” Smart said.

“Financial-service companies especially struggle with talent sometimes and don’t do that first step of really looking at their culture and trying to fix the things that are wrong with it first as they try to bring in better practices for hiring top talent.”

Smart said that the CEO of one potential client company was reluctant to enforce a high bar for hiring and hiring methods because he was conflict-averse. Instead, the CEO was “hoping middle management could do so, and that their example would ‘trickle up’ to the executive ranks,” he added.

“He literally asked me if we could advise the middle managers in this insurance company to ‘prioritize talent and hold more senior managers accountable for hiring top talent,’ and I was left speechless. I’m rarely left speechless,” Smart said. 

ghSmart didn’t accept the company as a client.

“Great companies prioritize hiring and developing great talent and that all starts at the top,” Smart said.

Read the full article here

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