• Driven by the recent AI boom, companies are raiding top college campuses for rare technical talent.
  • These companies lure undergrads and Ph.D.s with whopping salaries and endless research funding.
  • Now students face the choice of leaving the noble world of academia for AI’s promised land.

On a Friday afternoon, Cristóbal Eyzaguirre pulled out a Hot Wheels toy car to show Insider over Zoom. For the most part, it looks like any children’s toy, except for one thing: the “Tesla Model X” emblazoned across its packaging.

The Stanford Ph.D. student admitted that the toy car is his favorite bit of swag of all the merch he’s gotten from private parties, job fairs, and the Tesla event he attended as a plus-one that are meant to entice young minds studying artificial intelligence to top companies.

“I really like the Tesla ones,” Eyzaguirre, 27, said. “They really put a lot of effort into them.”

Each decade brings some turning point in technology that lures college students to the field. The dot-com era enlisted more students into computer science. Entrepreneurship degrees rose as tales spread of wildly successful startup founders in the on-demand economy. Then students flocked to classes on crypto and blockchain over the past few years of the Web3 boom.

Now students and recent graduates are embracing AI as the place to be, with many of them hoping to be an early employee at the next great technology disruptor.

In interviews with Insider, a dozen university professors, students, recent graduates, and industry professionals said that as more companies race for AI dominance, they’re raiding college campuses to mine for talent. And they’re doling out more than tchotchkes and monogrammed water bottles to win over students. Their job offers promise mid-six-figure salaries, a chance to work with top talent in the industry, and enough resources to tackle problems too expensive to solve in academia.

The recruiting has gotten so aggressive that some universities are seeing a slowdown in enrollment for AI Ph.D.s. “They dangle a lot of resources and money [in front of] young undergrads who at the age of 21 are like, ‘This is great,’ and they vanish,” said Kavita Bala, the dean of computing and information science at Cornell University. “The student population is getting cleaned out.”

For their part, students like Eyzaguirre must consider if they’re willing to turn their backs on the virtuous world of academia for a place in Silicon Valley’s promised land.

The temptation of industry

Hugging Face, a startup that offers ready-to-use machine-learning models, got a headstart on the recruiting cycle.

In early 2022, the company kicked off a college lecture series where it gave virtual demos to more than a thousand computer-science students around the world. They could continue the lesson with online demos of the company’s AI technology and learning labs on the company website.

“We’re hoping to bring up a new generation of data scientists that are sort of Hugging Face natives,” said Jeff Boudier, the head of product and growth at the startup.

It’s playing a long game to hire people fresh out of college.

Traditionally, the first day of classes marks the beginning of the recruiting cycle. But they appear to be moving up their timelines as the competition deepens.

Nithya Attaluri, an engineering master’s student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said she started hearing from recruiters at the start of fall semester. After a few months, she locked in a job at DeepMind (a subsidiary of Google’s parent company, Alphabet). And more Cornell seniors, said Bala, return to campus from summer internships with offers to start full time in the spring.

For the determined few who continue in academia to complete their Ph.D, their expertise makes them a headhunter’s ultimate prize.

“They hear from recruiters all through their Ph.D.,” said Kilian Weinberger, a professor of computer science at Cornell. “Most of them resist that temptation.”

“Most Stanford Ph.D.s have some startup or company that’s trying to get them to drop out or cofound,” said Nancy Xu, the founder and chief executive of Moonhub, a startup dedicated to automated recruiting. She’s currently on leave from her Stanford AI Ph.D. program to focus on Moonhub.

Some of these companies are so eager to hire postgrads that they allow them to work part time while they continue their studies, said Weinberger, who also works part time as a researcher at the call-center automation startup, Asapp. Michael Shamos, the director of the AI and innovation master’s program at Carnegie Mellon, said he’s seen such part-time offers surpass $350,000 in base salary. 

And full-time bids can range even higher. Ilyas Bankole-Hameed, an AI master’s student at Carnegie Mellon, told Insider he’s heard of full-time offers that reach nearly half a million dollars.

Those mind-boggling numbers are enough to entice many new grads. In 2011, new AI Ph.D. graduates took jobs in the tech industry and academia in about equal measure. But since then, the majority of new grads have headed to the AI industry, with nearly double the percentage of AI Ph.D. grads taking industry jobs versus academic roles in 2021, according to Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered AI’s 2023 AI Index Report.

But salary is only one reason to abandon school for industry. The main draw, university professors and students said, is an opportunity to work on research that’s applied in the real world. And funding, which can often be a limiting factor in academia, is plentiful in startup land, as venture capitalists and tech giants like Alphabet and Microsoft bankroll smaller companies.

“All AI companies have roles for people with Ph.D.s and without,” said Attaluri, the soon-to-be researcher at DeepMind. It’s up to students to decide, she said, “how you want to spend the next five years.”

A rare pool

The mad scramble for AI talent is partly driven by corporate leaders’ fear of falling behind rather than a drive to power new tech advancements. This is especially true in a world where there’s a new “AI article every day,” Shamos of Carnegie Mellon told Insider.

“This is moving up into the C-suite, and CEOs of companies are starting to worry about, hey, what does this generative AI mean for us? And are we behind the curve on it? And if we are, what can we do?” Shamos said.

Tribe AI, a jobs marketplace that connects companies with machine-learning experts, told Insider that between December and March, it saw the number of companies reaching out for help with data and AI projects doubled. 

Glen Evans, core talent partner at the venture firm Greylock, has seen demand for this domain expertise rise even among early-stage startups in the firm’s portfolio. Applied-research scientists are particularly sought-after, he wrote in an email, “due to a stronger industry focus on and broader overall adoption of large language models.”

The hiring needs of companies — and whether they require the knowledge and skills of postgrads on their payroll or just undergrads — depends on their technical approach.

There are two camps in the realm of AI startups. Many, like Jasper and Copy.ai, are developing apps on top of third-party large language models, such as OpenAI’s impressive GPT-4. And others, like Adept and Character.AI, are taking on the “full-stack” approach — building everything from the base foundation model to the end product.

Creating these highly complex tech stacks requires highly technical AI talent.

“It’s possible for someone to get this kind of understanding even without a degree,” Bankole-Hameed said. “But, you know, you wouldn’t trust a doctor to operate on you who hasn’t been to med school.”

And although these engineers and researchers are rare and expensive, it’s a more defensible approach that’s harder for competitors to replicate, VCs told Insider.

The number of computer scientists in the world who are capable of constructing and training their own models is minuscule, numbering in the tens rather than hundreds, said Greylock partner Saam Motamedi.

Jon Turow, a VC at Madrona, agreed: “If you do have galactic technical depth, you’re going to be able to invent something that wasn’t there before.”

Tough decisions

The job prospects haven’t enticed enough people into the field, yet. A survey from SAS showed that nearly two-thirds of firms across nine industries, including banking, insurance, government, and retail, say that their largest skills shortages are in AI and ML.

In the meantime, some universities are beefing up their curriculum so that students with only bachelor’s degrees are prepared to go to work in this burgeoning environment.

Last fall, MIT added a major in artificial intelligence and decision-making. Harvard opened a new research institute to study artificial intelligence, funded by a gift from Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. And Cornell is developing two minors for the AI-curious.

Kevin Liu, a Stanford undergrad studying computer science and AI, said he’s seen many of his classmates take a newfound interest in the field, forming new entrepreneurial clubs and Telegram chats and flocking to the school’s popular natural-language-processing course.

These opportunities for undergrads could help shrink the labor shortage. Reid Simmons, a Carnegie Mellon research professor, said that when he helped create the undergrad artificial-intelligence program four years ago, most jobs were only open to master’s or Ph.D. students. Now that recruiters see the effort going into the undergrad curriculum, “a lot of these opportunities are now opening up for the undergraduates as well,” he said.

But there are still students like Eyzaguirre who are continuing in academia, despite the enticing salaries and perks companies dangle in front of them.

He’s only in the second year of his Ph.D. program and hasn’t decided if he will continue his research in an academic setting or join a fast-growing tech company after graduation. He acknowledges that fewer students are signing up for graduate school and its attendant hardships — the sluggish pace of research, heavy workloads, and dismal pay for lab work — to make loads of money.

“We get to do interesting research,” Eyzaguirre said of academia, “and learn about things that are magical to us.”

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