Inside an airy Los Angeles restaurant, the actor and Goop founder Gwyneth Paltrow and the billionaire developer Rick Caruso have just finished speaking on a VIP lunchtime panel. A few feet away, Serena Williams and her husband, the investor and Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian, are about to be served dessert.

These luminaries were among the 1,000-plus attendees of last month’s Upfront Summit, a glitzy, invite-only tech conference organized by Upfront Ventures and its managing partner, Mark Suster, in Los Angeles each year.

As the lunch winds down, a slightly annoyed Suster barges in to deliver a friendly but stern admonition: It’s time to get back to the main auditorium right now for the afternoon session. 

“This is why everyone thinks I’m an asshole,” Suster chuckles as he darts away to put out more fires at the event. “It sucks to be onstage and have nobody in the audience.”

As he races backstage, Suster is irritated that an elevator is stuck and no one seems to know how to get it moving. There is also the music that welcomes speakers (too soft), the configuration of the audience (too far from the stage), the illusionist hired to close out the first day (too low energy), and the cookies in the green room (too fruity). 

“Who the fuck likes chocolate-chip cookies with cranberries and raisins in them?” Suster says with a laugh. “It fucking annoys me.”

With maniacal attention to detail and relentless hustle, Suster, 54, has for the past decade built the Upfront Summit into one of the most exclusive gatherings in tech. Overseeing more than $3 billion in assets as the managing partner of Upfront Ventures, he has made himself the face of LA’s booming tech scene.  

But Suster’s abrasive, take-no-prisoners approach has also alienated some startup founders and investors who say they will never work with him again because they found him overly aggressive, condescending, and ego-driven.

“I have worked with more than 50 VCs and nobody comes close to what it is like to work with Mark Suster,” said a founder backed by Suster. “He’s the least founder-friendly VC I have ever seen.”

Insider spoke with more than 35 people and reviewed confidential text messages, emails, court filings, and investment-return data to better understand Suster and his approach as a startup investor. Those who spoke with Insider asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation or because they had signed nondisclosure agreements. 

During a series of lengthy interviews, Suster said he has never been rude, just unabashedly direct.

“I wouldn’t describe myself as a bully,” Suster said. “I have a strong point of view. I named the firm Upfront. What you see is what you get.”

Suster freely admits his approach is unusual in venture capital, where the prevailing ethos until the market soured last year was “founder friendly,” with VCs tripping over themselves to generously fund free-spending entrepreneurs who chased growth at all costs.

It’s important to be tough on founders to push them to do better and not to give them a free pass. Mark Suster

“My job is not to be the best friend of the CEO,” Suster said. “It’s important to be tough on founders to push them to do better and not to give them a free pass. It’s not like we let our children eat chocolate for breakfast every day.”

Showmanship and software from an early age

Suster, who said he still has ambitions to be a stand-up comedian, has been drawn to the stage ever since he was a kid growing up in the 1980s in Sacramento. He starred in plays and musicals, and his mother, who sang at their synagogue and in community-theater productions, would take him on frequent trips to see shows in San Francisco and New York. 

In high school, though, he stopped performing to focus on a new passion: computers. 

Suster played around with his mom’s IBM XT personal computer and learned programming from his high-school Spanish teacher. Soon he was hired to work three days a week at a software store. 

After graduating from UC San Diego in 1991 with a double major in economics and political science, he took a role at Andersen Consulting, now Accenture, as a programmer.

After business school at the University of Chicago, Suster moved to London in 1999 to start BuildOnline, a document-management company, where he admits he initially made almost every mistake in the book.

“I hired too many people and hired all the people that looked like me,” Suster said. “I grew too fast. I raised too much money. I charged too much for my product.” 

Still, this was the height of the dot-com bubble and Suster said he soon got an offer from Autodesk to buy BuildOnline for $100 million, but turned it down.

“I had Goldman Sachs telling me we were gonna be public and so I thought, ‘Why would I take a measly $100 million when I can go build a billion-dollar company?'” Suster said. “I was at the stage of my life where I aspired to be the next Bill Gates.”

Suster would later sell BuildOnline to Sword Group, a publicly traded French company. The terms have never been disclosed, but Suster said he made far less than he would have selling to Autodesk years earlier. 

Not wanting to repeat the same mistake again when he started Koral, a content-management application, in 2006, Suster sold the company to Salesforce less than a year after he started it. The terms of that deal were not disclosed either. 

To this day, Suster identifies himself first not as a VC, but as a “2x entrepreneur,” a description that rankles some who question his bona fides.

“The two-time entrepreneur thing is the biggest joke in the world,” said a longtime LA VC. “Notice he’s never said how much he sold the companies for.”

Suster says he has never claimed to have founded “a Google or Salesforce,” and if anything, probably undersells himself.

“I was a two-time founder, started two businesses from scratch, raised capital in both of them, and I got exits in both of them,” Suster said. “I did the work. Many of the most successful VCs in our industry have never done that.”

A branding mastermind

Suster was recruited to join GRP Partners in 2007 by one his former investors and the firm’s founding partner, Yves Sisteron, who was hoping to expand GRP’s profile among startup founders.

“For me, what was missing is we did well but nobody knew us,” Sisteron, who founded GRP in 1996, told a roomful of limited partners at the firm’s annual meeting last month. “We didn’t have a brand.” (Sisteron said in a later interview that he hired Suster mostly for his software experience.) 

Sisteron, 68, whom one founder described as a “gentleman but with brass knuckles,” is in many ways Suster’s opposite, working entirely behind the scenes with virtually no public profile. He created a Twitter account in 2011 but has only tweeted four times and rarely speaks in public.

“I would say I’m more soft-spoken and maybe more diplomatic in my approach,” Sisteron said. “Mark is a very opinionated guy, but I think that’s very valuable. Firms that are successful have partners who have strong opinions and have no qualms disagreeing with their partners about things.”

In 2013, the firm moved its offices from the high-rises of Century City, LA’s big law and talent-agency hub, to blocks away from the beach in Santa Monica. That was the nexus of where the LA startup boom was just taking off, close to buzzy companies like Snapchat and Dollar Shave Club. Suster axed the stodgy GRP name, which stood for Global Retail Partners. 

“It was the dumbest brand ever,” Suster said. “We weren’t global and we weren’t retail.”

He said his more senior partners vigorously disagreed, but as often happens, his opinion won the day. Upfront was born. 

“We had a big fight about it,” Suster said. “In the end, I didn’t ask. I told him I was going to do it and I did it. I’m sure for five minutes it didn’t feel very good, then you get over it. I believe in benevolent dictatorship.”

As he was building Upfront’s brand, Suster was also expanding his own presence in the founder community. Suster started a blog, Both Sides of the Table, and amassed more than 330,000 Twitter followers. 

With unusual candor for a VC, Suster has blogged about everything from the nuances of fundraising to why it’s never a good idea to send an angry email to experiencing “the rich tapestry of American culture” through food. During the pandemic, he detailed how he lost “65 pounds in 18 months with no gimmicks or fads.” (Suster admits to a 20-year battle with his weight due to the “yo-yo of entrepreneurship.”)

With his blog keeping him top of mind for entrepreneurs, Suster also wanted to attract the attention of LPs, the pension fund and endowment managers who fund VC firms, so he sought to create an event glamorous enough to get them to fly across the country.

“My real objective in the early days was that no LPs ever came to LA, and I’m like, ‘How are we going to build an ecosystem if LPs don’t come here?'” Suster said.

While most tech conferences are held in drab hotel rooms, Suster’s vision was more Hollywood than Silicon Valley. The Upfront Summit is set in a different, iconic Southern California location every year, including the Rose Bowl Stadium, the Dolby Theatre, Malibu Farm restaurant, and Paramount Studios. 

He spares no expense, with Hollywood production values, marching bands, 25-piece orchestras, fireworks shows, dance shows, hot-air balloons, and movie stars and famous athletes in attendance. This year’s event, held at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, cost over $2 million to produce. Attendees were greeted by a lineup of fake paparazzi using real flashbulbs.

“I wanted an experience where you walk in and there’s a red carpet and you feel like you’re a celebrity,” Suster said. “I want you in the mindset that you’re not turning up to a corporate conference.”‘

When Suster first tried recreating a red carpet at the 2017 Upfront Summit at LA Live, he asked his junior staff to play the photographers but he said it made them “cringey,” so he did it himself. At last year’s conference, the event staff stepped in.

Suster found them lackluster.

“I was kind of pissed,” Suster said. “I said to them this year, ‘I don’t trust you to do that. I want paid actors.'”

Suster’s fastidiousness has created what many now consider one of the best tech conferences of the year.

“Mark and the Upfront Summit helped put LA tech and investing on the map,” said Jeffrey Katzenberg, the cofounder of DreamWorks and WndrCo. “The summit has consistently attracted the highest-quality investors from across the country and I personally had more productive fundraising meetings in two days there than I would have been able to do anywhere else in two weeks.” 

Suster’s blunt approach has a dark side

Suster’s blunt approach also has a dark side, alienating some people he’s worked with and leaving them feeling hurt even years later. 

Several years ago, a founder whose startup Suster invested in was in a conference room rehearsing their presentation for the Upfront Summit. Rather than criticizing the speech, Suster belittled the founder in front of their executive team, telling the founder that they were too egotistical.

“No one cares about you,” snapped Suster. The founder recalled trying to hold back tears as they finished the speech.

Another founder recalled a similar experience, feeling personally attacked as they practiced their remarks. 

I can remember he made me feel worthless. An Upfront founder

“Instead of saying he didn’t like the presentation, he berated me,” said the other founder. “It was very nasty. I can remember he made me feel worthless.”

Suster denied he disparaged founders before the Upfront Summit and said they are likely acting on “personal vendettas” to exaggerate what happened.

“Might I have given somebody strong feedback in front of team members?” Suster said. “If you haven’t prepared a good presentation or practiced or are saying offensive things, it’s my responsibility to pull the presentation.”

Other founders have complained about Suster being difficult and abrasive as an investor and board member. 

Five founders described Suster as “gaslighting” them — making them feel stupid for pushing back on terms that are frequently negotiated in funding rounds or on operational decisions.

One startup founder remembered trying to negotiate down the percentage of the option pool, something that would make a meaningful difference in how much the founder’s stake was diluted in a new funding round. 

“This is industry standard and this is not up for debate,” the founder recalled Suster saying. “We’re not even going to spend the time of day on that. This is just what it is.” 

Suster said it is his obligation to his limited partners “to keep the option pool low to avoid investors taking more dilution,” and it shouldn’t be surprising that some founders have walked away feeling resentful.

“Ask any counterparty in any negotiation and they will tell you it didn’t feel good during the process,” Suster said. “It’s normal.”

Founders described times when they felt Suster was talking down to them as if they were children. One Upfront founder recalled being in a board meeting with Suster when they questioned his advice about hiring. 

“I’ve been doing this for 20 years, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” the founder recalled Suster saying.

A different founder remembered a board meeting when they were debating a change in strategy and said Suster acted like he was the only one who knew what he was doing. 

“There’s certainly a give and take that happens with a VC, but it usually begins with them supporting your vision,” said the founder. “He always thought his ideas were better than anybody else’s.”

A dozen founders who spoke to Insider said Suster has an unusually high propensity to insist on harsh terms for founders and remove them if the companies are not doing well. 

If you’re going to put him on your board, you’re letting the fox guard the henhouse. An entrepreneur who has founded multiple startups.

“I have taken money from Upfront, but I would never let Mark on my board, and I would never let him be in a position of power,” said an entrepreneur who has founded multiple startups. “If you’re going to put him on your board, you’re letting the fox guard the henhouse.” 

An Insider analysis of Crunchbase data found that of the 19 boards Suster has sat on, nine of the original founder-CEOs stepped down early and six left the company entirely. 

Suster did not dispute those numbers but said it was wrong to blame him for founders departing. He said that when founders exit, it’s more often the result of founder-to-founder conflict rather than a clash with investors. 

“If I can side with the CEO, I try every time because life is a lot simpler,” Suster said. “I really prefer, as does every VC, not to have any conflict, but there are times where you’re brought into conflict, and I start with my fiduciary obligation to the company, and the company is not the CEO.”

Some of Suster’s disputes have been detailed in lawsuits

It was Christmas Day 2017, and Suster was not in a festive mood. 

He had recently joined the board of Loot Crate, a startup that delivered monthly subscription boxes for geeks and gamers that had been named the fastest-growing company in America by Inc. Magazine. But it was running out of money and desperately needed new financing.

Rather than try to save the company, which was his obligation as a board member, Suster’s priority was making sure Upfront came out ahead, according to a lawsuit filed by Loot Crate creditors in 2020 that alleged Suster and other investors committed “serial fiduciary breaches.”

Suster was using the seats he had amassed on the board to force the company’s CEO, Chris Davis, to agree to one of three financing proposals that contained the best terms for Upfront and the worst for Loot Crate, the suit said.

“Mark is advocating for a transaction that would benefit Upfront (on whose behalf he is acting) and likely himself, personally,” Davis wrote the board in an email.

On that Christmas Day, Suster wrote himself an email laying out his position.

“We [Upfront] have $12.75 million invested in the company,” Suster wrote. “Our primary goal is to recover as much of this as possible, in the shortest period of time, while spending the least possible to recover it.”

The letter went on to say: “We theoretically have the ability to block more board appointments” and “block issuances of new equity.”

Two hours later, Suster wrote an email to Davis which he called a “Christmas Peace Offering,” making it clear he was not going to budge.

We hope you will stop to consider a peace offering before we go off to war. Suster’s email to Chris Davis

“We hope you will stop to consider a peace offering before we go off to war,” Suster ended his email. “Our expectation is that we hear back from you today, December 25th.” 

Davis accepted the deal because he felt he had no choice, according to the suit. Ten days later, Suster resigned from the board and the company eventually filed for bankruptcy, which creditors blamed on the onerous terms and chaos caused by Suster and other investors. 

After years of trying to get the lawsuit dismissed, it was finally settled in October for $6.8 million, with Upfront, the largest investor, paying the biggest share.

Suster was also named as a defendant in a 2013 lawsuit filed by the Maker Studio founder, Danny Zappin, who said that investors “conspired and agreed to line their pockets with Maker’s assets” and “gut the rights of Common Stock shareholders to control Maker.” 

The suit was eventually dismissed after a judge granted a summary judgment in favor of the defendants. 

Suster vigorously defended himself in both the Loot Crate and Maker Studios cases, pointing out that the allegations were never proven and he was just one investor of many. 

He added that VCs are frequently the victims of lawsuits because they have the most money. He also made it clear that he was no fan of the two founders that he and his partners had entrusted with millions of dollars. 

“I believed that the CEO had shown himself to be incompetent and make bad decisions,” Suster said of Loot Crate’s Davis. He called Zappin a felon who resigned from the company.

Zappin did not respond to requests for comment. Davis wrote via text message: “The complaint filed by the creditors committee was thorough in detailing the challenges the company experienced while working with Mark. I’ve moved forward and was glad to hear a settlement was reached for the benefit of creditors.”

Some founders who have worked with Suster said it’s telling that Maker is one his most successful investments and it ended in acrimony. 

“It should have been a red flag for me,” said one founder, referring to details revealed in the suit. 

Suster has admirers who appreciate his loyalty and directness

For all those who talked about their bad experiences with Suster, there are also plenty who praise him for building up LA’s tech ecosystem and being a champion of collective good in venture — most recently during the recent run on Silicon Valley Bank when Suster urged calm within the tech community as others were panicking.

And in private, many who have worked with Suster said he has been unfailingly loyal and kind. 

“He was intense, which comes from being passionate about what he does,” said Tasha Welton, Suster’s former assistant. “I would be lying if I said it wasn’t hard in the beginning, but he grew on me within three months. He’s really a good person.”

Welton recalled how when she had a loss in her family over the summer, Suster texted her with his condolences even though it had been more than five years since she’d worked at Upfront. When Upfront held its annual employee retreat when she was pregnant, he took special care to make sure she could participate in the activities.

“He’s very generous and very sensitive and he taught me so much,” Welton said. “Mark is one of my lifelong friends.”

Jonathan Strauss, the cofounder and CEO of, remembered how Suster made his company his first priority, especially when an acquisition offer fell through at the eleventh hour, just as Suster was also consumed with Disney’s purchase of Maker Studios. 

“Not once did I hear from Mark that he was too busy,” Strauss said. “Nobody would have held it against him if he had a $600 million dollar deal he had to close. That is unfortunately more typical VC behavior than not, but Mark really went above and beyond to help make the best of a bad situation.”

Mark has always had detractors and people with whom his style isn’t a great fit, and that’s OK. Jonathan Strauss

“It wasn’t always an easy relationship, but it was always constructive, approached from mutual respect,” Strauss continued. “Mark has always had detractors and people with whom his style isn’t a great fit, and that’s OK.” 

And some founders who departed early said they harbor no ill will toward Suster. Jason Spievak, the founder of Invoca, said he was relieved when Suster and other board members broached the idea of Spievak stepping down.

“I remember sitting there in Hollywood at the Upfront Summit, saying, ‘Look, I handpicked you guys for exactly this reason, so I need to hear what you’re saying and whether I agree or not, you collectively are probably right,'” Spievak recalled.

Questions about investment performance 

Ultimately, venture investors are judged not on their personalities, but on their performance, and some rival investors have noted Suster has been conspicuously absent from LA’s biggest venture-backed exits.

“The talk among VCs is that the marketing is amazing but the returns are mediocre,” said a Bay Area VC. 

The angel investor Jason Calacanis ribbed Suster in a 2018 interview that he had no major exits, the acquisitions or initial public offerings that lead to a blockbuster payday. 

Private-investment data obtained by Insider reveals that Upfront has returned less than 30 cents for every dollar one of its largest LPs, the University of Texas, or UTIMCO, had invested in the firm since 2014. 

Insider obtained the return data, which is current as of November 2022, through a public-records-act request. It reveals the 2019 growth fund has a minus-3.09% internal rate of return compared to the 29% benchmark, according to Cambridge Associates. And UTIMCO has already marked down its 2019 holding to less than what it put in. Meanwhile, Upfront’s 2017 early-stage fund has an IRR of 19.9%, while its 2014 fund is at 14.8%.

Most institutional investors generally expect 25% to 30% IRRs for early-stage funds, according to Leonard Sherman, a professor at Columbia Business School. 

Regarding his investing record, Suster would only say he “feels really good about where we’ve performed” and noted Upfront has returned more than $1 billion to LPs since 2018, largely by taking money off the table and selling stakes in successful companies like Kyriba, an enterprise software company, and Goat, a sneaker marketplace that reached a $3.7 billion valuation in 2021. 

Suster said he’s legally barred from sharing more details because Upfront is a registered investment advisor. Three VCs told Insider they don’t see how being an RIA would prohibit Upfront from sharing its returns. 

Asked about his biggest wins, Suster cited Maker Studios, which sold to Disney for at least $500 million in 2014, and Ring, which Amazon bought for more than $1 billion in 2018. 

But for a firm that purports to be all about Los Angeles, it’s striking Upfront has not been an investor in any of the area’s top-20 VC-backed exits of the last decade, according to PitchBook data — missing out on Dollar Shave Club, Honey, Beyond Meat, Sweetgreen, ZipRecruiter, and most painfully, Snap, which was founded right down the street from Upfront’s offices.

Suster said part of the reason Upfront has not been in higher-profile exits is that it focuses on less-flashy enterprise companies. 

“In any given market, you can’t do every great deal, and I feel OK with that,” he said.

While he has been absent from major LA successes, Suster has been front and center for some of the biggest flameouts. In addition to Loot Crate, which filed for bankruptcy, there’s uBeam, a wireless-charging startup that has yet to produce a viable product, and Bird, an electric-scooter company he emphatically championed that recently admitted to misreporting revenue and has warned it may file for bankruptcy.

“I’m not going to say we haven’t made mistakes,” Suster told his firm’s LPs last month with an image of a Bird scooter projected on the screen. “I hold myself accountable for this investment. It was a mistake.”

Suster said he dialed back on investing when prices became too high in recent years, but this year he expects to take advantage of the downturn in what he believes will be one the firm’s busiest dealmaking years. He also feels vindicated that an era of lax VC oversight — which led to debacles such as the unraveling of cryptocurrency exchange FTX — has crystallized the benefits of a more hands-on approach.

“What’s happened in the last five years is you have a lot of people who are check writers and don’t want to do the work,” Suster said. “Boards are where the work happens, and I’m a worker. I roll up my sleeves and do the job, and it’s not glamorous.”

Do you work in the venture capital industry and have a story to tell? Please contact reporter Ben Bergman at bbergman@insider or securely on Signal at 626-720-7152. 

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